Talofa lava, Kia Ora, Hello & Bonjour…and welcome to our new families/Whanau.
Management/Teacher updates.
Education review Office (ERO) –We have Bobbi and Ross conducting an Education Review of the Crèche on Tues the 4 and Wed the 5 November. They will be engaging in discussions with parents/whānau, so feel free to introduce yourself and have a chat.
Parent/whānau survey 2014. Thank you to those of you who completed the parent/whānau survey. Lots of positive feedback received. We have also managed to capture the aspirations you have for your children, this will be included in the planning and learning for the children. Any other suggestions will be integrated into the learning programme or the operations of the Crèche. Results can be found on the parent notice board. Your feedback is appreciated.
Website – Management is currently involved in developing a website for the Crèche, thank you to Aimee who is on the committee for all of your hard work in the initial stages of collecting information and documentation required to develop the website. Your time is appreciated. We are hoping to have the website go live before the end of the year. This will help with marketing the crèche in the community. Please return your consent form to allow permission for your child to go onto the website. Please indicate if you do not want you child on the website.
Strategic Direction –please let us know what ideas you have that could support the crèche to identify the vision and future direction that can dictate the development of the strategic plan for 2015.
Children’s Christmas Party Sunday the 30th November 2014 from 10.00am to 12.00pm, further details to follow.
Cultural evening – thank you to everyone who attended the cultural pot luck dinner. A lovely evening had by all. Thank you to Vanessa & Elysee in making this happen.
Thank you to Tom, Eddie’s Dad for installing a clear lite roof on top of our fort. This will certainly keep those birds at bay.
AKO – TEACHING & LEARNING. Our current learning focus is dinosaurs, (mokonui), and music, (waiata). The children/tamariki have been actively involved and interested in dinosaurs play at crèche for some time .Some children/tamariki, were bringing in to crèche their dinosaur toys costumes and books puka puka, which initiated the focus area “Dinosaurs” Some of our children already have a thorough knowledge of dinosaurs and their names habitat and environment. Positive learning outcomes; To support children’s pre-knowledge of dinosaurs and to support their curiosity and revisit their interests. To support opportunities behaviour and verbal expressions of something they pretend to be .Dramatic play will engage children in life and learning and increase their understanding of the world they live in. (Ako). Variety of learning activities will be provided for the children/tamariki that support their current interest in
imaginative and dramatic play. This will range from, providing prompts for pretend play, dress ups ,waiata ,puppets, storytelling ,Te Reo language and learning activities, finger puppets etc.
Our National Curriculum “Te Whaariki”, promotes socio cultural and a holistic view of teaching and learning.
Refer to the planning wall for more information about what learning outcomes are included in literacy and numeracy skills. You will find charts available to identify children’s interests, please feel free to add your comments. These have been updated for September/November.
Sunhats/potae – please bring in a named sunhat for your child to leave in their bag at Crèche. Please ensure you apply sunblock on your child prior to the session, if you have not done this please let the Teachers know. If your child is sensitive to certain sunblock please provide one we can apply to your child.
- Donations of a box of tissues is always appreciated.
- If you have any untreated wood, please feel free to donate to the Crèche for our Carpentry activity
- If you have any changes in your contact details please let us know, including a change in email addresses or your emergency contact details.
- Enrolments for 2015. Please confirm if your child is attending the crèche in 2015.
- If your child is leaving the crèche please give at least 3 weeks notice prior to the 19th December 2013.
- Casual days, if you would like a casual day for your child, please see Jannie, as we do have some days available.
- PLEASE do not park in the corner car parks by the brown fence as these are reserved parks. Thank you.
- With the warmer weather coming can you please provide spare clothes for your child.